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Hi, I'm Abbas 👋


A passionate Frontend / Fullstack-JamStack web developer and UI/UX enthusiast specialized in building stunning pixel-perfect interactive websites/applications.



Hello there! I'm Abbas, a Frontend / Fullstack-JamStack web developer based near Montreal. I wake up in the morning, grab a cup of tammies coffee, open up my laptop and build things that live on the web all day, everyday.

People who know me say I'm obsessed, that's fair, I am very driven and love learning new things. And Learning MERN stack

I recently started open source contributions where I'm up-skilling myself on front-end web development topics.


  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • ReactJs
  • NextJS
  • Tailwind CSS
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"Experienced developer with a diverse skill set across multiple projects. Developed 'The Game Hub,' a React-based gaming platform, demonstrating proficiency in React, Vite, and Chakra UI. Built 'Calories Tracker,' a JavaScript-driven application showcasing DOM manipulation, OOP concepts, and Bootstrap. Created 'Flixx Entertainment,' API handling, and UI design with Tailwind CSS. These projects highlight strong frontend skills, API integration, and problem-solving abilities."

Calories Tracker

calories tracker

Calories Tracker

Developed "Calories Tracker," a web application enabling users to set daily calorie limits, log meals, and track progress through a dynamic progress bar. Utilized JavaScript to efficiently manage DOM updates, showcasing the language's robust.

Incorporated a dynamic progress bar that turns red upon exceeding the calorie limit, providing visual feedback to users. Demonstrated proficiency in JavaScript, OOP principles, Bootstrap, npm, and Webpack while delivering a user-focused web solution.


Bank Application

bank website in react

Bank Application

Static modern bank website build in pure Rect and used the functions based approach to made the application scalable

While creating this site I have learned about the react data flow and how the files and folder are use to arrange in the react applications. There is high level quality images used to make it more cool


SushiMan Website

Sushi man website

SushiMan Website

This website is build using Pure HTML CSS and JavaScript. This project helped me to get comfortable with basic animation and how to use Semantic tags

just a basic static website that shows the sushi and intact on scrolling the website css is purely used


A Todo App

A todo app

A Todo App

A evergreen todo app that helped me to gain more knowledged on Dom manipulation using only JavaScript

User can add and delete the task and it uses the Local storage to delete the task completely on refresh and there are some sliding animation


Pokemon Go

Pokemon api website

Pokemon Go

Build this using React and its Fetch api used Axios to get the pokemon information

This website use to print the pokemon card and it can keep on adding the card on load more button and build the api reqt in such a way that it will show just 20 at once


Beat Maker

Play music beat maker

Beat Maker

This is a intreating Javascript project that can play music you created using the nodes provide to the user.

Learned a lot in this project i.e how to implement a play track sound bar and on tapping on one node it plays sound and skip on others


Get In Conatct

Whether you are starting a project, have business inquiries or just want to say hi, my inbox is always open so feel free to reach out and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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